Independent American and Russian Women Call for Peace

One can argue that it is time for female activists to embrace feminism, for men to become true allies in pursuit of women’s rights, and for feminists at this source to join the fight for wider social change. This article concerns the analysis of court practices for criminal cases relating to female victims of domestic violence who have been charged with murder or intentional infliction of grievous bodily injuries of their partners. The author directly connects the observance of women’s rights in domestic violence self-defense cases with the problem of the lack of legal mechanisms of protection against violence in Russia. Russia remains the last country in the Council of Europe which has yet to create legal mechanisms to protect women against domestic violence.

  • “I don’t know anyone who was drafted or taken away, except my cousin who is out in the countryside,” Sofia said.
  • One speaker outlined similarities and differences between the development of feminism in Russia and in the West in the nineteenth century, emphasizing the more pronounced differences.
  • You might hate most of the meals, but occasionally there will be something great (e.g., my boyfriend loves Russian salad. He says it is because there is no cabbage there).
  • The share of women in the sciences, which increased in post-Soviet times because of male brain drain and exit, is now in decline again.

I don’t remember the Cuban missile crisis, but a Russian friend told me how her kindergarten was evacuated to the steppe from the military town where they built missiles and they were told that they would be killed by the Americans that night. An American friend told me about living through a false nuclear alarm. For the last few weeks I have felt that I’m watching a horror film in which Russia and America accuse each other and discuss the possible consequences of conflict.

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And after Putin sent his troops into Ukraine, multiple European countries made it practically impossible for Russians to visit, while month-long waiting lines for visas have formed at understaffed western consulates in Moscow. One of the core advantages of an Argentinian passport, Pekurova said, was that its citizens could make short-term trips to 171 countries without a visa, including the EU, the UK and Japan, while obtaining a long-term US visa was “not very difficult”. Cherepovitskaya and her husband, who both left Russia shortly after the war in Ukraine started, now plan to stay in Buenos Aires and apply for Argentinian citizenship for themselves, a process that is simplified because they are now the parents of an Argentinian daughter. Cherepovitskaya, who gave birth last December, is one of the estimated hundreds of Russian women who travelled last year to the Argentinian capital to give birth. “It was crazy, there were at least eight pregnant Russian women waiting in front of me,” Cherepovitskaya, a jewellery designer previously based in Moscow, said in a phone interview.

They usually learn since childhood how to cook traditional Russian meals and they love doing it. These qualities of Russian women are highly valued by men in Russia and many other countries. In fact, there are many foreigners who are happy to have a Russian wife (рýсская женá), as well as there are many Russian girls who dream of marrying a man from abroad. Russian women are very proud of themselves and will be unlikely to accept an expensive present that will indebt them if accepted. At any rate, there are no rules to obey if a Russian woman is in love. Even if they can’t be named the women with southern temperament, the Russian women are very passionate and tend to fall in love once and for all. A Reuters analysis of court documents showed women who protested in the early weeks of the war in February and March made up at least 30% of those charged, up from at least 11% in protests in 2021 and at least 6% in 2019 protests.

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When officers do respond, they often refuse to criminally prosecute instead of telling victims to prosecute privately. This is economically unfeasible for many women and effectively places the onus of an entire subgroup of law enforcement on the victim rather than the state. Decriminalization of domestic violence has rendered the statistics on it unreliable, but statistics have shown that most cases do not end up in court. If women cannot receive the assurance of their physical safety under Russian law and society, their overall rights are under severe threat. The Constitution of Russia, adopted in 1993, guarantees equal rights for women and men. Even before that, the Bolshevik Revolution granted women’s rights in Russia– including suffrage– in 1917. However, women are still fighting inequality in many sectors, including the professional realm.

] to have taken place, demands for sex and even rape are still common on-the-job occurrences. Socialist realist art glorified ordinary workers, and women were often not depicted in a traditionally feminine manner. Offer your seat in transport to elderly people and save a kitten from stray dogs. Once I saw a man jump into sewage to save tiny ducklings that fell down a hatch – in the eyes of his girlfriend he was a real hero.

She also used to ask male co-workers for help with physically challenging tasks, like carrying heavy equipment or repairing something. Women walk past posters honoring Russian service members, including those participating in the ongoing military action in Ukraine, at the Muzeon park in Moscow on Wednesday.

In the future, Russia might find some reason to increase the number of female enlistees amongst its ranks or open more roles to women. Increasing the proportion of women in the Russian military could help Moscow not only meet manning requirements and shift towards professionalization but also provide a myriad of other advantages.

In 2014, the Deputy Minister of Defense Tatyana Shevtsova announced that the number of female enlistees serving in the Armed Forces would be 80,000 by 2020. Emancipation might have spread all over the world but Russian women stay faithful to the traditional views of the male and female roles in a relationship. A Russian man is considered to be a provider who supplies the family with tangible assets, while a woman is viewed as a housewife and the mother of children.

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Much of Russian politics and economy is informal, and important decisions often are made outside formal institutions, in spaces that exclude women—such as in men’s restrooms and saunas or on hunting and fishing trips. All four women told me they’re constantly worried about the men in their lives, whether partners, friends, or passing acquaintances. He’s explaining something in class, and you’re wondering if he’s OK.” In her free time, Sofia’s mother now hunts down military supplies and prepares backpacks for recruits, just in case someone she knows is drafted. Makoveev moved to Argentina in 2014, working first as a travel guide, but he said he quickly saw the potential the country had as a birth tourism destination, founding his agency in 2018. Pekurova herself gave birth last year in Buenos Aires, and her “positive” experience further strengthened her desire to offer trips to the country. Georgy Polin, head of the consular department of the Russian Embassy in Argentina, estimated that between 2,000 and 2,500 Russians moved to Argentina in 2022, many of whom, he said, were Russian women planning to give birth in the country.

Category:Lists of Russian women

Hundreds instead of dozens of women attend marches and protests now, especially against the controversial decriminalization of domestic violence. The work of leaders like Leda Garina and Zalina Marshenkulov has fostered the growth of feminism in the public consciousness. Despite facing arrests and threats, activists and organizations are persisting in getting the message of gender equality out to the public. Innovations in technology and social media make information more accessible to the Russian people and change the perception of feminism from a dirty, Western word to something necessary to Russian society. For example, Cafe Simona in Saint Petersburg is a woman-only workspace and event space that allows women to go about their days without experiencing harassment.

While the pursuit of women’s rights should not be reduced to a fight against specific government policies and legislative initiatives, Russia offers an interesting case for exploring the motivations and strategies of activism and social change in an authoritarian regime. In January 2017, the lower house of the Russian legislature decriminalized first time domestic violence.